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Charles B. Baxley, ed.. SCAR

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SCAR Revolutionary War Pension Transcriptions. Numerous articles, documents, maps and photos.

Charles B. Baxley died on March 30, 2024 after contributing to and editing many drafts of these papers until he was satisfied that they were ready to be reviewed for publication. In honor of his memory, these papers are being presented to the public posthumously:

  1. “To Keep Up the Spirits of the People and Alarm the Enemy” Sumter’s Rounds in South Carolina
  2. Thunder Even at the Gates of Charlestown: Thomas Sumter’s Raid of the Dog Days of 1781
  3. General Thomas Sumter’s Surprise at Fishdam Ford
  4. Rice and Retaliation: Gen. Francis Marion’s Ambuscade Near Parker’s Ferry, August 30, 1781


  • Vol.1 No.1. September 2004, 14p., 479kb.
    • “Documentary Resources and Notes on Gen. Thomas Sumter and the North and South Carolina Militias attack on the British Forward Outpost at Rocky Mount, South Carolina” Advance to page 3.
  • Vol.1 No.2.. October 2004, 23p., 2.3mb.
    • “Tarleton at Waxhaws” Article by James Piecuch with appendices by Charles Baxley. Advance to page 4.
  • Vol.1 No.3. November 2004, 29p., 801kb.
    • “Revolutionary Reminiscences related by Maj. Thomas Young of Union District, S. C., dated March 27th 1843” annotated by Charles Baxley. Advance to page 5.
    • “Battle of Hammond’s Store”, “Williams Fort Battle” and “Battle of Mudlick Creek”. Advance to page 19.
  • Vol.1 No.4. December 2004, 24p., 2mb.
    • “The Battle Of Stono Ferry – June 20, 1779”. Article by C.Leon Harris with supplementary material by editor. Advance to page 7.
  • Vol.2 No.1. January 2005, 29p., 2.2mb.
    • Merle A. McGee’s Artifact Collection. Photos by Calvin Keys. Advance to page 5.
    • Revolutionary War Musket Ball Typology by Daniel M. Sivilich, President BRAVO. Advance to page 7.
    • Pension Application of Col. Samuel Hammond Transcribed and Annotated by William T. Graves. Advance to page 24.
  • Vol.2 No.2. February 2005, 20p., 2.4mb.
    • Preservation of the Kings Mountain Battlefield by Robert M. Dunkerly. Advance to page 5.
    • The Continental Army of the Southern Department: Insurgent Peacekeepers? by James McIntyre. Advance to page 15.
  • Vol.2 No.3. March 2005, 23p., 1.5mb
    • Werner Willis painting: Lt. Gen. Charles, Lord Cornwallis. Page 1.
    • To Disturb the Assembly: Tarleton’s Charlottesville Raid and the British Invasion of Virginia, 1781 by John Maass. Map by John Robertson. Advance to page 5.
    • Pension Affidavit of Richard Clinton Annotated by Charles B. Baxley. Advance to page 14.
    • Col. Isaac Shelby’s Account of his Exploits During the Revolutionary War Transcribed and annoted by William T. Graves. Advance to page 19.
  • Vol.2 No.4. April 2005, 31p., 2.5mb.
    • Werner Willis painting: General Thomas Sumter. Page 1.
    • It Wasn’t in Louisa, A research note on Thomas Sumter’s birthplace by Thomas Lynwood Powers. Advance to page 2.
    • An account of Thomas Sumter’s life from 1782 until his death in 1832 By Thomas Sumter Tisdale, Jr. Advance to page 5.
    • The Siege of Fort Motte May 8-12, 1781 by Charles B. Baxley. Advance to page 15.
    • Reverend Oliver Hart’s Diary of the Journey to the Backcountry Transcribed and annotated by William T. Graves. Advance to page 26.
  • Vol.2 No.5. May 2005, 36p., 2.1mb.
    • Werner Willis painting: Lt. Col. Sir Banastre Tarleton. Page 1.
    • The Battle of Biggin Bridge – April 14, 1780 – Tarleton’s Cavalry Charge by Charles B. Baxley. Advance to page 3.
    • Letter and Report, South Carolina Militia Gen. Andrew Williamson to Nathanael Greene After the British Evacuation of Charles Town Transcribed and annotated by William T. Graves. Advance to page 12.
    • Col. John Thomas – Spartan Regiment –South Carolina Patriot Militia by Ilene Jones Cornwell. Advance to page 15.
    • Pension Application of Levi Mote Transcribed and annotated by William T. Graves. Advance to page 25.
  • Vol.2 No.6. June 2005, 28p., 2mb
    • Alexander’s Old Field, or The Battle Of Beckhamville by Michael C. Scoggins. Advance to page 4.
    • Hill’s Iron Works, South Carolina The Presbyterian Rebellion — 18 June 1780 (or June 9th or 11th) by Patrick O’Kelley. Advance to page 9.
    • The Battle of Rugeley’s Fort “… a spirit of enterprize and intrepidity still prevails.” by Lee F. McGee. Advance to page 11.
    • Unraveling the Mystery of the Revolutionary War Service of Pvt. James Johnson, 1st Continental Light Dragoons by Charles F. Price. Advance to page 17.
    • Pension request of William McGarity, Sr., of Chester District, South Carolina edited by Charles Baxley. Advance to page 22.
    • Staying at Peace in Wartime Exerpts from Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, Vol. IV: 1780-1783. Advance to page 25.
  • Vol.2 No.7. July 2005, 31p., 4mb.
    • Werner Willis painting: The Assault, British Legion dragoons in full speed charge.. Page 1.
    • More on The Battle of Hill’s Ironworks by Michael C. Scoggins. Advance to page 6.
    • Col. William Hill Memorial filed with the South Carolina General Assembly: Senate Advance to page 10.
    • The Battle of Mobley’s Meeting House Fairfield District, South Carolina, June 1780 by Kenneth Shelton. Advance to page 16.
  • Vol.2 No.8. August 2005, 28p., 2.3mb.
    • Pamela Patrick White pastel: The Battle of Camden. Page 1.
    • Major General Johannes de Kalb: Tragic hero of the Battle of Camden by S.L. Rinner. Advance to page 4.
    • (John Rutledge) South Carolina’s Supreme Court Nominee Rejected by David Paul Reuwer. Advance to page 16.
    • The Carolina Corsair Commodore Alexander Gillon by John Jones. Advance to page 18.
  • Vol.2 No.9. September 2005, 37p., 3.8mb.
    • “An Ill-timed and Premature Insurrection” The First Siege at Augusta, Georgia September 14 – 18, 1780 by Steven J. Rauch. Page 1.
    • Revolutionary War Remnants Unearthed in Downtown Savannah Advance to page 26.
    • Corps of Discovery. Site visits: Rugely’s, Musgrove’s, Blackstock’s, Brandon’s, Hammond’s, Hayes’, 96, Gowen’s, Earle’s, Ft. Prince, Cedar Spring, Wofford’s. By Charles B. Baxley. Advance to page 29.
    • 18th Century Medical Treatment for a Scalped Head © Hugh T. Harrington and Lisa A. Ennis. Advance to page 35.
  • Vol.2 No.10. October 2005, 37p., 1.7mb
    • Werner Willis painting: Into the Hornet’s Nest, NC Patriot militia Col. William Richardson Davie organizing the defenses at Charlotte Town Courthouse on September 26, 1780.. Page 1.
    • Charlotte Town, North Carolina North Carolina Campaign of 1780 26 September 1780 by Patrick O’Kelley. Page 1.
    • More on Commodore Alexander Gillon by John Jones. Advance to page 5.
    • The Battles of Stallions’ Plantation And Bigger’s Ferry . By Michael C. Scoggins. Advance to page 10.
    • Southern Campaigns against the Cherokees: A Brief Compilation, by Jeff Dennis. Advance to page 17.
    • “Arthur Fairies’ Journal of Expedition Against the Cherokee Indians from July 18th, to October 11th, 1776” Transcribed and Annotated by Will Graves. Advance to page 20.
    • Fragment of a Daily Journal Kept by an Unidentified Officer Relating to the Cherokee Expedition of 1776 Transcribed and Annotated by Will Graves. Advance to page 34.
  • Vol.2 No.11. November 2005, 47p., 2.9mb.
    • William T. Ranney’s Masterpiece: Marion Crossing the Peedee by Dr. Mark Thistlethwaite. Page 1.
    • Battle of the Great Cane Brake, or All-American Skirmish on the Reedy by John B. McLeod. Advance to page 13.
    • Interview with Primitive Expert “Hawkeye”. By M.C. “Mickey” Beckham. Advance to page 17.
    • Pension Application of Samuel Otterson , Transcribed & Annotated by Will Graves. Advance to page 26.
    • What Did Joseph McJunkin Really Saye? by Will Graves. Advance to page 29.
    • McJunkin’s Pension Application Transcribed and Annotated by Will Graves. Advance to page 30.
    • McJunkin’s Statement: Draper MSS, Sumter Papers 23VV203-212 Advance to page 34.
    • McJunkin’s Narrative: Draper MSS, Sumter Papers 23VV153-203 Advance to page 37.
  • Vol.2 No.12. December 2005, 26p., 4.7mb.
    • Werner Willis painting: Change of Command, ceremony held at the Mecklenburg Courthouse in Charlotte, NC on December 2, 1780.. Page 1.
    • Fraunce’s Tavern Roadtrip by Charles B. Baxley. Advance to page 3.
    • Burr’s Mill Found? by John A. Robertson. Benson’s(?) map of 1786(?). Discussion follows. Advance to page 8.
    • Spartanburg County Historic Map Featuring Revolutionary Sites Now For Sale. By Susan Turpin. Advance to page 11.
    • George William Carlyle and The Battle of Eutaw Springs , by Mark Hill. Advance to page 12.
    • “…The better order of men…” Hammond’s Store and Fort Williams By Lee F. McGee. Advance to page 14.
    • Werner Willis painting: Lt. Col. William Washington. Advance to page 15.
    • New Fully Searchable CD Version of Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution Available Advance to page 22.
  • Vol.3 No.1. January 2006, 37p., 2.5mb.
    • Hobkirk Hill Archaeology. Page 1.
    • Blackstocks 225th by Ron Crawley. Advance to page 8.
    • Lt. John Money by Charles Baxley. Advance to page 9.
    • Lt. Col. James McCall by Sam Fore. Advance to page 11.
    • Arnold’s 1781 Raid of Richmond by Mike Cecere. Advance to page 14.
    • Battle of Green Spring Preservation Update by Todd Post. Advance to page 16.
    • Creek Warrior Emistesego by Robert Scott Davis. Advance to page 24.
    • Emisteseguo and Creek Diplomacy by Jeff Dennis. Advance to page 24.
    • Battle of Musgrove Mill by Will Graves. Maps by John Robertson. Advance to page 28.
    • 1854 Letter to Draper from son of Samuel Hammond
  • Vol.3 No.2. February 2006, 54p., 4.5mb.
    • Gen. Wm. Lee Davidson. Advance to page 2.
    • Battle at Cowan’s Ford. Advance to page 3.
    • Fishdam Ford Battlefield Update. Advance to page 6.
    • Francis Marion Trail Commission. Advance to page 7.
    • Col. John Thomas, Sr.’s Rifle. Advance to page 12.
    • Spring Hill Redoubt Re-construction Update. Advance to page 14.
    • Cowpens 225th Re-enactment by Robertson/O’Kelley/Callaham/Murphy/Friar. Advance to page 15.
    • The Cavalry at Cowpens by Daniel Murphy. Advance to page 23.
    • Commemorative March from Grindal Shoals to Cowpens. Maps by JR. Advance to page 29.
    • The Battle at Kettle Creek by Robert S. Davis. Maps by Steven Rauch. Advance to page 30.
    • Lt. Col. Archibald Campbell, writings. Advance to page 40.
    • Pickens’ Account of Kettle Creek. Advance to page 42.
    • Carr’s Fort Battle Site by Robert S. Davis. Advance to page 44.
    • Pictures: SCAR Open Meeting, Rock Hill. Advance to page 46.
    • Loyalist Col. Robert Gray’s Observations on the War in Carolina, annotated by Wm. Thomas Sherman. Adv. to page 47.
    • Gen. Nathanael Greene Symposium, 21-23 April ’06, registration form. Advance to page 54 (last page >|).
  • Vol.3 No.3. March 2006, 43p., 3.1mb.
    • Eutaw Springs Map by Reuwer/Robertson/Baxley.
    • Online Library of Southern Campaign. Advance to page 2.
    • Cowpens Restoration Plan. Palmetto Conservation Foundation. Advance to page 4.
    • Nathanael Greene Symposium by Joanna Craig. Advance to page 5.
    • “General Nathanael Greene”. Werner Willis painting. Advance to page 5.
    • Bobby Moss, Time Spent With. By Mickey Beckham. Advance to page 6.
    • Wes Hope book review. By Ron Crawley. Advance to page 14.
    • Kettle Creek Celebrations by Robert Galer. Advance to page 13.
    • Wm. Washington’s Cavalry at Eutaw Springs by Lee McGee. Maps by JR. Advance to page 15.
    • Prelude to Guilford Courthouse. By Robert Dunkerly. Advance to page 29.
  • Vol.3 No.4. April 2006, 42p., 5.7mb.
    • Corps of Discovery, Lincoln County NC with Darrel Harkey. Advance to page 4.
    • Corps of Discovery, Eastern NC with Patrick O’Kelley. Advance to page 6.
    • Greene’s Cavalry at Hobkirk’s Hill by Lee F. McGee. Advance to page 13.
    • William Washington Cavalryman in the Southern Campaigns by Scott Withrow. Advance to page 21.
    • Gen. “Mad” Anthony Wayne’s 1782 Savannah Campaign by Hugh T. Harrington. Advance to page 32.
    • The Battle of Osbornes on the James River by Stephen F. Darley. Advance to page 37.
  • Vol.3 No.5. May 2006, 34p., 1.9mb.
    • Searchable Online Pension File Library. Will Graves. Advance to page 4.
    • Roundball Ballistics in the Revolutionary War; What Caused Rifle Shots to Go Over the Heads of the Enemy. Hugh T. Harrington. Advance to page 12.
    • Musket Accuracy. Patrick O’Kelley. Advance to page 13.
    • Estimated Population Of The Colonies In The Revolutionary Period. Stella H. Sutherland. Advance to page 14.
    • Locating Revolutionary War Significant Sites. John Robertson. Advance to page 15.
    • Prelude to Augusta: The Capture of Fort Galphin 21 May 1781. Steven J. Rauch. Advance to page 22.
    • Biography: Col. Abel Kolb – SC Patriot Militia. John L. Frierson. Advance to page 27.
    • Biography: Colonel John Dooly: Georgia Martyr of the Revolution. Robert S. Davis. Advance to page 30.
    • Biography: Colonel John Hamilton of the Royal North Carolina Regiment. Robert S. Davis. Advance to page 32.
  • Vol.3 No.6-8. Jun-Jul-Aug 2006, 56p., 3.5mb.
    • Revolutionary War Flags Fetch More Than $17,000,000. Scott A. Miskimon. Advance to page 3.
    • 225th Anniversary of the Liberation of Augusta. Tom Sutherland. Advance to page 13.
    • Southern Revolutionary War Institute. Advance to page 18.
    • Ninety Six 225th Commemoration: The Struggle for the Star Fort. Robert M. “Bert” Dunkerly. Advance to page 20.
    • Hopsewee: Fit for an Earl, Close to the Land. Seabrook Wilkinson. Advance to page 25.
    • Native Americans and the Southern Revolution – Part I. Jeff W. Dennis. Advance to page 27.
    • The Second Siege at Augusta, Georgia (The Battles of Forts Grierson and Cornwallis) 22 May – 5 June 1781.. Steven J. Rauch. Advance to page 32.
  • Vol.3 No.9. Sep 2006, 41p., 3mb.
    • Eutaw Springs Conference & Tour schedule. Advance to page 2.
    • 225th Anniv. Battle of House in the Horseshoe. Advance to page 5.
    • Earle’s Ford Affair, by John Allison. Advance to page 12.
    • Col. Thos. Waters, Georgia Loyalist, by Robert S. Davis. Advance to page 20.
    • NC Continental Line at Eutaw Springs, by Joshua B. Howard. Advance to page 22.
    • Battle of Eutaw Springs, by James Piecuch. Advance to page 25.
    • Meredith Taylor Pension Application, trans. and annotated by Will Graves. Advance to page 40.
  • Vol.3 No.10-11. Oct-Nov 2006, 36p., 2.7mb.
    • SCAR Lifetime Achievement Awards. Page 1.
    • October Southern Campaign Roundtable, Savannah. Advance to page 3.
    • Caribbean/Global/Graves RW Gazetteers Launched by John Robertson. Advance to page 8.
    • Eutaw Springs 225th, Advance to page 19.
    • Yorktown Report, by David McKissack. Advance to page 20.
    • Battle of Briar Creek, by Robert S. Davis. Advance to page 26.
    • Biographies: Ashe, Prevosts, Elbert, by Robert S. Davis. Advance to page 28.
    • James Fergus’ Application, trans. and annotated by Will Graves. Advance to page 31.
  • Vol.3 No.12. Dec 2006, 40p., 2.1mb.
    • Forthcoming Book: Marion Orderly Book, ann. by O’Kelley. Page 4.
    • Kings Mountain Guided Tour. Advance to page 9.
    • Battle of Burke County Jail by Robert Scott Davis. Advance to page 15.
    • Gen. John Twiggs of GA, Advance to page 16.
    • Lt. Col. James McCall, by Daniel Murphy and Ron Crawley. Advance to page 19.
    • Journal of Brigade Major F. Skelly, ann. by John A. Robertson, with map. Advance to page 24.
    • History of the 3rd SC Regiment, by Michael C. Scoggins. Advance to page 28.
    • Pension Application of Marshall Franks, trans. and annotated by Will Graves. Advance to page 37.
  • Vol.4 No.1-3. Jan – Mar 2007, 67p., 4.8mb.
    • Revolutionary War Cavalry Conference. Advance to page 5.
    • Lt. Col. Benjamin Thompson [Count Rumford] by John Milton Hutchins. Advance to page 5.
    • SCAR The American Revolution in the Caribbean Symposium -2008. Advance to page 9.
    • Pendleton SC Roundtable and Sites Visit, Advance to page 12.
    • Gen. Andrew Pickens. Advance to page 18.
    • Tour of Lexington Co. SC Sites. Advance to page 20.
    • Global Gazetteer of the Rev War Launched. Advance to page 23.
    • SCIAA Follows Lt. Anthony Allaire. By Steven D. Smith. Advance to page 25.
    • John Adam Treutlen: Georgia’s First Constitutional Governor. By Edna Q. Morgan. Advance to page 28.
    • Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton British Legion, 1782. By Gregory J. W. Urwin. Advance to page 36.
    • Elijah Clarke: Georgia’s Partisan Titan. By Robert Scott Davis. Advance to page 38.
    • Great Bridge. By David K. Wilson. Advance to page 41.
    • Casimir Pulaski, Polish Patriot of The United States of America. By John Milton Hutchins. Advance to page 56.
    • The Botetourt Riflemen of 1781. By C. Leon Harris. Advance to page 60.
    • Pension Application of Manual (Manuel) McConnell: S2773. Transcribed and annotated by Will Graves. Advance to page 63.
  • Vol.4 No.4-6. Apr -Jun 2007, 64p., 6.0mb.
    • Marsh Tacky Horse by Jeannette Beranger. Advance to page 9.
    • Shubrick’s Plantation Roundtable by John Milton Hutchins. Advance to page 10.
    • CD: 35 volumes of RevWar History. Advance to page 12.
    • Archaeology Tour of Dunham’s Bluff, Advance to page 13.
    • James Estes Collection. Advance to page 14.
    • Morgan Papers & Leslie Letterbook by David K. Wilson. Advance to page 18.
    • Camden Site Forest Restoration. Advance to page 27.
    • Dan Crossing Anniversary Observance. By Bob Yankle. Advance to page 28.
    • Greene Gravesite Observance. By Richard Sheryka. Advance to page 35.
    • Colonel Thomas Posey. By David McKissack. Advance to page 40.
    • John Watson Tadwell Watson. By Walter T. Dornfest. Advance to page 47.
    • Narrative of John Watson Tadwell Watson. Transcribed by Donald J. Gara. Advance to page 55.
    • John Watson Tadwell Watson (1748 – 1826). By Marg Baskin. Advance to page 61.
  • Vol.4 No.7-9. July-Sep 2007, 41p., 2.7mb.
    • “Under the Crown” Living History Event by Ben Rubin. Advance to page 19.
    • Native Americans and the Southern Revolution, Part II by Jeff W. Dennis. Advance to page 21.
    • Insubordination of Captain Polk’s Rangers During the Summer of 1775 by Toby Turner. Advance to page 28.
    • The Charleston Library Society by Ben Rubin, Advance to page 33.
    • Subjects of the Crown “The Queen’s own Loyal Virginia Regiment and Lord Dunmore’s Ethiopian Regiment, 1775-1776 by Donald J. Gara. Advance to page 34.
  • Vol.4 No.10-12. Never issued.
  • Vol.5 No.1-3. Jan-Mar 2008, 61p., 5mb.
    • Light Horse Harry Lee painting by T. Kelly Pauley. Page 1.
    • Granby Roundtable by Ben Rubin. Advance to page 5.
    • Thomson and Gillon’s graves. Advance to page 6.
    • Southern Revolutionary War Institute by Ben Rubin, Advance to page 13.
    • Teachers Learn to Teach the Southern Campaigns by Ben Rubin. Advance to page 15.
    • Fifth Annual Francis Marion Symposium by Christine Swager. Advance to page 19.
    • Georgia plans 13th Colony Trail. Advance to page 20.
    • Cherokee Ford Fight and the Battle of Vann’s Creek, Georgia by Robert S. Davis. Advance to page 21.
    • British Evacuation of Charleston 14 December 1782 by William Moultrie. Advance to page 25.
    • Rev War Calvalry Conference at Wofford. Advance to page 27.
    • Lee’s Legion Remembered…from Garden’s Anecdotes ed. by William Thomas Sherman. Advance to page 32.
    • Field Location of “Lost” Revolutionary Sites: A Primer by John C. Parker, Jr.. Advance to page 51.
    • Rebuttal: The Patriot View of the Cherokee Indian Campaign of 1776 by Patrick J. O’Kelley. Advance to page 56.
  • Vol.7 Special Edition. “Off the Beaten Path at Ninety Six” Corps of Discovery, 19 Mar 2011, 12p., 939kb.
    • Orders of Battle, First & Second Battles, 1760. Advance to page 2.
    • Order of Battle, Battle of Fort Williamson, November 18-21, 1775. Advance to page 3.
    • Order of Battle, Greene’s Siege of Ninety Six, May 22, 1781 – June 19, 1781. Advance to page 4.
    • Timeline of Events at Ninety Six. 1715-2006. Advance to page 5.
    • For Further Reading. Advance to page 8.
    • “Map of Attack on Star Fort Redoubt” from Greene, Ninety Six, an Historical Narrative, p.289. Advance to page 9.
    • “Historical Base Map” from Greene, Ninety Six, an Historical Narrative. Advance to page 10.
    • “Sketch of Plans for Renovations to Fort Ninety Six”, Papers of James Grant of Ballindalloch, 1740-1819. Advance to page 11.
    • “National Park Service Horse Map”, annotated by Charles Baxley. Advance to page 12.
  • Vol. 10, No. 2. Special Edition. Corps of Discovery, Laurens County, 15 February 2-14, 41p., 46MB.