
SCAR is entering its tenth year of planning symposia and conferences on American Revolutionary War topics.  These gatherings feature the latest scholarship, opportunities for fellowship with our scholars and others with a mutual interest, and to have fun with tours and field presentations to see where the heroes fought.

The Photo Galleries for the Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee Symposium.  Double click on photo for full resolution image.

Group Shot at Lee Symposium

April 26, 2013 – Friday – our Lee bus tour featured tours of the posturing of the Southern Department armies commanded by Lord Charles Cornwallis and Gen. Nathanael Greene in early March 1781 leading up to their final clash at Guilford Courthouse.  Included are Harry Lee’s battle sites in the Burlington, NC area: the skirmishes at Clapp’s Mill, the Rocky Ford at Weitzel’s Mill, and the latest scholarship on Pyle’s Hacking Match and its location.  The tour was organized by David P. Reuwer and featured knowledgeable local guides including historians Bob Carter, Stewart Dunaway and Jeff Bright.

April 27-28, 2013 – Greensboro, NC – SCAR’s  “WEDDED TO MY SWORD” The Life and Times of Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee included the latest scholarly research on the interesting and, sometimes, controversial life of Harry Lee with boots-on-the-ground tours of Lee battle sites.  Dynamic presentations on Lee’s life, contributions to the Revolutionary War, as a Virginia politician, Southern Campaigns historian, and his controversies were made by world-class scholars including Jim Piecuch, Dennis Conrad, Ben Huggins, Mike Cecere, Jim Mc Intyre, Ben Rubin, John Hutchins, John Beakes, Steve Rauch, Dan Murphy, Dave Neilan, and Stewart Dunaway.  On Sunday’s included battlefield tour, we saw the New Garden Meeting House and road – sites of Harry Lee’s initial battles with the British commanded by “Bloody Ban” Tarleton prior to the general engagement at Guilford Courthouse – and walked the Guilford Courthouse battlefield in the rain.  Lee’s climatic clash at Guilford did not happen within the federal park; we went to the site.


SCAR is also working with Dr. Dennis Conrad to plan a cruise ship based presentations and land tours on the major naval and land battles in the Caribbean arising from the American Revolution. We hope to announce this family fun, laid-back but informative program in the future. Stay tuned for additional information.

Charles B. Baxley
Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution

##### Prior Symposia:

Battle of the Waxhaws – “Blood Be Upon your Head”, Tarleton and Buford at the Waxhaws – 2010

The Redcoats are Coming – Loyalist in the Southern Campaigns – 2008
Cavalry in the American Revolution 2007
Eutaw Springs 2006
Nathanael Greene 2006
Thomas Sumter 2005
Camden Campaign 2004
Banastre Tarleton 2002