The Journal of the Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution is a free downloadable magazine dedicated to the Revolutionary War, focusing on Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. We are committed to fostering knowledge about the people, sites, artifacts, and military strategies and engagements that were pivotal in the fight for American Independence (1760-1789). Each issue presents compelling battles, historical documents, maps, and links to enhance your understanding. Join us in promoting research and preservation by sharing articles, photos, and events. Founded in 2004 by Charles B. Baxley and David P. Reuwer, The Journal, now part of the South Carolina American Revolution Trust, aims to be your trusted resource for Revolutionary War histories. Connect with us to keep history alive!
~ Richard C. Meehan, Jr., Editor
Submission Guidelines
Articles Based on Original Research
We encourage the submission of original research papers. For examples, please refer to previous issues at southern-campaigns.org.
- Before any work can be considered for publication, a formal query must be submitted via https://southern-campaigns.org/contact/. The editor will respond promptly.
- The Journal promotes original conclusions and speculations supported by primary sources and clearly distinguished from established facts.
- Every assertion of fact should be backed by at least one primary source unless it is widely accepted, like “Charleston surrendered on 12 May 1780.” Secondary sources can serve as supporting evidence.
- Submissions must be in MS Word format, letter size, with 1-inch margins, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font. The cover page must include the author’s name and contact information.
- Chicago Manual of Style, the latest edition, will be used for footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies. (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html.)
- Articles may include illustrations and photos, preferably embedded within the text. Artwork, illustrations, and images must be either in the public domain or include citations confirming they can be used commercially and non-commercially in print and online formats. The preferred graphic format is PNG or JPG, at 300 dpi. Lower or higher resolutions are not acceptable for this publication. Upon request, the editor may assist with resolving graphics issues.
- All article submissions will undergo thorough peer review by three individuals recognized by the historical community for their relevant expertise, ensuring that references are legitimate and sourced from the best materials available.
- If a submission is turned back for further citations or significant edit suggestions, the writer may resubmit the work when the edits are complete. We use a “third strike – you’re out” policy when resubmitting.
- Acceptance for publication grants The Journal the rights to print and reprint the work in print, digitally, and on the web perpetually without compensation, allowing readers to download and print copies for their personal use. The Journal does not provide any remuneration to the author. Authors retain all rights to publish their work elsewhere and to control its publication in accordance with copyright law.
- The author must provide a short autobiography pertinent to their expertise in this field of study of no more than 300 words. A picture may be included if desired. The author may also provide a contact email address at the end of the article to obtain feedback from readers, but that is solely at their discretion, and the Journal accepts no responsibility for the results.
- Announcements related to Revolutionary War events are welcome if submitted in graphic format (PNG or JPG). For quality viewing and printing, they should be 3×4 inches horizontally or 4×3 inches vertically, at 300 dpi.
- News stories about Revolutionary War projects are accepted and should follow the same format as research papers.